One person’s choice to enact change is like lighting a candle in a lightless room. While a single flame won’t brighten an entire space, it interrupts the darkness everyone is accustomed to. Transforming into a torch, it encourages others to ignite their own flames. As everyone’s wick begins to burn, each individual candle—though small on its own—combines to illuminate the entire area, and the cold and dark space is filled with a warmth and brightness that once seemed impossible.
In an industry where some suppliers are comfortable with negligence in their supply chains, Jedwards remains competitive without sacrificing integrity. This is why we are proud partners of Natural Habitats USA, founders of the Palm Done Right campaign.
By purchasing Palm Done Right products, you support ethical and sustainable production of palm oil for a better and brighter future in the palm oil industry. In recognition of this, customers that order Jedwards’ sustainable palm products (Palm Fruit Oil – Organic RSPO IP S1371, Palm Kernel Oil – Organic RSPO IP S1391, Palm Kernel Oil – RBD RSPO MB S1396, and Palm Oil Stearin – Organic RSPO IP S1381) are encouraged to request a complementary Palm Done Right Candle. If you place an online order for any of of the products listed above and would like a Palm Done Right candle, please include an order comment note. Limited supply of candles so be sure to request yours quickly! All candles will be shipped via USPS separately from orders, please allow 1-3 business days from the date of order to receive the tracking for your complimentary gift.