How to Choose Amongst Various Olive Oil Options

How to Choose Amongst Various Olive Oil Options
July 17, 2017 3 view(s)
How to Choose Amongst Various Olive Oil Options

Once the decision has been made to incorporate olive oil into your application, there are a variety of other choices to consider. Organic or Conventional?  Extra Virgin or Refined?

Armed with the facts, understanding the distinction between the various options will not seem quite so daunting.

Conventional or Organic?

Firstly, consider the difference between conventional and organic.  Organic Olive Oil is a material that the USDA has determined has been produced on soil that had no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest.  These prohibited substances include most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.  As with all organic foods, none of the olive trees are grown with genetically modified organisms (GMO) which the organic standards expressly prohibit.  Methods like irradiation, sewage sludge and genetic engineering are all expressly prohibited from being used when growing the olive trees which are ultimately certified organic.  Certifying agents must review and audit the produced material to verify they are not genetically modified.

Conventional Olive Oil, on the other hand, may or may not have been produced with any of the above factors, however the material has not been reviewed or audited and certified by the USDA.

Virgin or Refined?

Secondly, what is the difference between virgin and refined?  Virgin Olive Oil is pressed directly from the fruit and retains all the natural characteristics of the olive fruit. The natural taste and fragrance is unaltered, preserving the legitimate flavor and aroma. RBD Olive Oil, or refined, bleached and deodorized, is altered in non-chemical, physical processes typically neutralizing via sodium hydroxide. The fruit is refined and bleached through a natural filtration process using diatomaceous earth and deodorized during a steam vacuum process.

Which Variation?

Finally, Jedwards International supplies many different variations of Olive Oil as described below:

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil – This oil is considered the highest quality olive oil as it is obtained from the first pressing of the olive via cold pressing. Cold pressing is a chemical free expeller pressing method in a heat controlled environment, where the heat is contained below 120 degrees. The appearance is a deep greenish yellow and strong olive odor and taste.
  • Pomace Olive Oil – obtained from the last extraction of the olive using a solvent extraction process. Solvent extracting is a method of extracting the oil by separating compounds based on their relative solubility in two different immiscible liquids, typically water and an organic solvent.  Pomace is then refined to remove the natural taste and color creating an appearance of a yellowish green color and a much blander odor and taste.
  • Pure Olive Oil – This oil is cold pressed and then refined, bleached and deodorized and subsequently blended with Virgin Olive Oil which results in a bland odor and flavor.
  • Squalane Olive Oil – Olive squalane comes from the olive seed, or the pip. The squalane is obtained during the processing phase when olives are crushed in pressing machines, which causes the olives to release their oils and subsequently, the squalene is collected.  The hydrogenation of squalane results in a squalane oil, which is highly beneficial in cosmetic applications as an emollient and moisturizer.


A final note on the subject of Olive Oil; many may have noticed an increase in pricing. Currently there is a worldwide shortage which has driven up material costs. Erratic weather and insect issues in Spain and Italy, the world’s largest producers, have affected production supply. The Italian olive harvest took a beating earlier this year when early rains knocked the buds off the trees, decreasing its yield. Next came an infestation of Bactrocera oleae, aka the olive fly, which devastated Italy’s crop. In addition, flooding in Spain and a heat wave in Greece have damaged crops in these countries. As demand for olive oil increases and supply decreases, the cost has risen systematically. Jedwards is making every effort to keep price increases to a minimum.

In Summary

There are many factors to examine when taking your olive oil needs into consideration. Hopefully, the above information will help you to discern the best possible option for your application.

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